Feng shui for health is one of the first steps to consider when looking to apply feng shui in your home. No matter your health is slightly out of balance, or you have been going through health complications for a while now, feng shui can help increase your energy levels and stay healthy.
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Good feng shui, affirmed old masters, does not bring you wealth if you do not strive for it, but it gives you the necessary support to seek your wealth and fortune. It helps you use feng shui to create an environment - both at home and in the office - that will strengthen you and attract the feng shui energies of wealth.
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A harmonious home is a home that can accommodate a variety of activities and a variety of people without losing its healing essence. Creating a home with such power takes time.
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Education is a lifelong pursuit. We never stop learning and growing even when we leave our school days far behind. As Helen Keller said, "Knowledge is love and light and vision." Feng Shui can help transform average but hard working students into high achievers. Full potentials can be met and hidden abilities discovered. Below are some Feng Shui points designed to aid students (and working adults) academically.
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Behind your desk, never sit in front of a window have a solid wall to provide a good foundation. Consider a picture of a mountain behind you for added stability.
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