According to Chinese numerology, we live our lives in nine-year cycles. This is known as the Epicycle. Each year contains a different energy, and if we work with the energy, or tone, of the year we will progress smoothly and quickly. Conversely, if we fight the tone of the year, we will struggle all year long. It is a simple matter to determine what personal year you are in. You simply create a sum, just as we did to determine the destiny number, but instead of using the year of birth, we use the current year
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The square consists of numbers one to nine set in a square. As you can see from the square whether you add the numbers vertically, horizontally or diagonally the sum of the numbers of 15. The square is also called magic square and is believed to give important information while analyging the building/destiny of the person. Let's have a closer at the square and try to see it's significance.
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Numbers that are completely missing from the chart indicate lessons that the person has to learn this lifetime. Knowing what numbers our friends and families are missing in their charts allow us to know what they are struggling to learn. This enables us to be more understanding and supportive. Without this knowledge we might criticize others for their performance in certain areas, which never works. By knowing their missing numbers we can help them in their difficult areas and encourage to lead a more successful life.
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Each box in the three-by-three magic square contains a house. Over a period of time, the natal year and natal month numbers move around the chart, giving us the opportunity to experience the different energies each house gives to the main numbers.
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Evaluate your kua number using your date of birth.
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